Friday, July 20, 2012

So far, so good

Training is going good!  Tomorrow morning will be our 3rd group run (although I missed the 2nd one due to being at the beach - ahhhhhhhhhh.).  Tomorrow morning's run will be at Centennial Park downtown - which is part of the actual course.

My knee feels - tight?  Not sure.  I foam rolled the hell out of my IT band, calves and hamstrings yesterday and it feels much better this morning.  Need to start back with my body weight squats, dead lifts, pistol squats (one-legged squats), and planks.  Pronto.

This is what Fleet Feet looked like the very first day when I walked in - at 6:30 a.m.!

I think there were approximately 75 women running that morning.  Awesomeness.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Half marathon training - TAKE 2!

That's right.  Today was Week 1 (of 12) Day 1 of my second attempt to train for a half marathon - I'm super excited!  Today:  cross train.  CHECK.

I decided to register to train with Fleet Feet so I would be with ... well, people.  And I'm not much of a people-person, so this is mainly for selfish reasons.  Ok, ok.  I'm excited to maybe make a few friends too.  ;)  More importantly, I want to show up at that starting line on September 22nd and finish my first half marathon damnit!!  Injury-FREE!  And this is the Women's Half Marathon so my training group is 99% women, with coaches, pace trainers, and physical therapists all on hand!  Surely I can make it this time with all that.

Our first group run is this Saturday at 7:00 a.m.  I'll have to leave my house BY 6:00 to get there early, sign-in, and the other stuff that no one knows about since it is the first group run.  Which means my alarm will be going off in the 5:00 hour.  On a Saturday.  During the summer.  I must really want this baaaad.  I am also getting a new car that day (maybe sooner) and we leave for the beach for 8 days the next morning.  So I have just a few things going on this week - all good!